Daily Taurus Horoscope July 24 (24/07)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

July 24


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 10/10

You might feel excited and daunted at what seems to be gaining momentum in its own way. Whilst you could be intrigued by where youre being taken by whats unfolding now, you might also feel its necessary to have one foot ready to apply the brakes if you believe a need arises. Try not to treat something developing too cautiously or even suspiciously. Trust it. Youve yet to see the wonderful potential it holds.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

You appear to have an agenda that has been subject to careful planning and might not take kindly to anyone who plans to disrupt it. You have some clear boundaries in your mind about how much communication or intervention youre prepared to accept from others, too. You have a right to pursue something in your own way and might need to politely remind certain people of this.


summary taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Something in an area of your world a plan, project or possibly a relationship could be prone to being overanalyzed this week. Thats because youre probably more trusting of what your head is telling than the message your heart is begging you to consider. If you want to see whatever-it-is in a cold and logical way, then youre likely to be oblivious to the very sweet, heartwarming developments on offer. Your head has had enough of a chance to give its opinion. Now, its time to start trusting what your heart has to say.


summary taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Progress related to earnings could come in the nick of time and with Venus, working her magic where earned income and material possessions are concerned, coming weeks could bring more than one exciting and reassuring development on the financial front. The 18th is a day to push your luck or see what effort made to enhance your earnings brings you. From the 20th, focus shifts to home and family matters and one development connected with your domestic set-up or a family member could be cause for celebration!


health taurus daily

Star 8/10

Getting serious about your health can be an enjoyable process if you remember to do so gradually. Remember to slowly increase the amount of exercise you get, and to introduce new activities gently. Try to adjust your eating habits by making small changes - but make these changes! If you want to reduce dairy, for example, first give up certain forms that you won\t really miss, like cheese on your sandwich. You will notice your awareness rising with every decision you make.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Pacing yourself is the name of the game. Whether you have just started an exercise regimen, or been at it for a while, pay attention to your pace. If you are beginning a new health practice, make it relatively easy to manage - so you can keep on doing it! Don\t press yourself too hard in the beginning - remember, you are building a habit. Likewise, when you have been doing something for a while, it\s important to press yourself gradually further into it (increasing the pace), so that you stay interested.


health taurus weekly

Star 7/10

Right now is a good time to expend energy and step up your workout efforts. The aspects are conducive to working up a sweat and clearing out toxins, giving the body a chance to purify itself. This might be a good time to enjoy a sauna or steam room. If nothing else, have a long soak in the tub.


health taurus monthly

Star 8/10

With Jupiters ongoing positive influence in your sector of wellness, your health and vitality continue to be upbeat. Even if you do have health issues to contend with, you may find that you still feel relatively good. The only issue youll need to watch out for is gaining a little weight. This might occur if you feel under pressure and somewhat overwhelmed at work. However, dont feel like you have to tackle this alone. Joining a group of like-minded people who are also eager to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle can help to keep you on track.


love taurus daily

Star 7/10

The aspect at play encourages your thoughts to fly, and also to hide away. Somehow you do not want your latest romantic interest to know everything about you too soon, and so may appear particularly reticent and opaque. Yet you are equally determined to find out as much about them as you can, without giving too much away. One of you has to spill the beans soon.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today\s astral energy could bring you a real surprise this evening when out on your date. This person may not be anything like you imagined they would be, and you could be left wondering how you could have gotten it all so wrong. However, they will be very good company, if a bit eccentric. It\s up to you to decide where you want to take things from here.


love taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Youre excited to see what the new energy will bring when a new week begins. Having a positive outlook despite past disappointment is the key to happiness right now. Youre a homebody over the weekend, and theres nothing wrong with sticking close to home with good friends. You might not meet your soul mate that way, but hanging out solo is good for your confidence. You dont need someone else to complete you.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

You arent attracted to the good guy or girl during the Mars/Pluto opposition on July 2, but whats wrong with being bad once in a while? Youre single, so the choice of whom to date is entirely yours. You dont feel your sexiest during the Mars/Uranus square on July 17, and there could be some awkward physical moments. You cant always control what your body does, so try to make up for it with witty banter. Mercury loves its placement in Virgo, starting on July 25, mostly because it makes the thought process crystal clear. Love isnt easy, but it doesnt have to be complicated.


career taurus daily

Star 7/10

Your indecisive nature is going to be worse than ever today. Looking to other people for advice is only going to confuse you more. Thoughts are going to get tangled up in your head and you will not be able to think straight. Go home early.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

Combining your creative abilities with your magnificent charm and communicative talents will create a winning combination today that will make you unstoppable. Pool your resources together and go for it. You will succeed at whatever you undertake.


career taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Expect things to go well now. You\d be wise to let irritations roll off your back. One unfortunate incident doesn\t sink your fortunes. Ask for feedback for the best results. Be sure you and others are on the same page. Spending time in a place that appreciates your charm and humor recharges your batteries. All work and no play will throw you off balance. A long weekend is recommended. This period promises a new start.


career taurus monthly

Star 9/10

You could wrap up a business trip or legal matter on July 9. Putting this issue to bed will leave you free to pursue a new project that has just appeared on the horizon. Dont be intimidated if you dont have much experience with such an enterprise. If you need an introductory course, your employer will be happy to pay for one. Starting a home-based business is a distinct possibility on July 23. You have a natural instinct for luxury goods. Providing affluent customers with exotic products will be a labor of love. Youll enjoy the challenge of satisfying their sophisticated tastes.



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