Daily Leo Horoscope August 17 (17/08)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

August 17


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 10/10

Are you a bit too ambitious in some way? It could be argued that being a bit too ambitious has its benefits, if, by aiming our sights higher than necessary, were more likely to end up where we wanted to be in the first place. If we aim at what we want, then we might have to settle for silver or bronze instead of gold. Theres no harm in aiming your sights exceptionally high in some way now provided you accept the increase in effort that will need to accompany your vision.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

All rebels have a cause. Many might not know precisely what theyre rebelling against, but they at least know a need exists to take a stance against a regime or rule in some way. Your rebellious side could be encouraging you to bend a rule rather than go to great lengths to break it. Its within your ability to make an arrangement suit you in ways it doesnt currently. Youll need to take a stand and state your case but not in the heavy-handed way you might be expecting to do.


summary leo weekly

Star 9/10

You are hopefully starting to give a closer look at what might be possible if you invested effort in areas youve only been able to look at and consider from a distance. Youve wanted to pursue A but have had to settle for B because of certain restrictions youve felt were beyond your control. Yet, its by taking a brave step in a new direction that youve seen how flimsy some of these restrictions really are. The coming week brings proof and reassurance of this.


summary leo monthly

Star 8/10

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings closure to a relationship or commitment but marks the start of a new beginning. Some Leos will decide one relationship has run its course; others will seize an opportunity to deepen an involvement. Your relationship with a certain individual is about to be seen in a realistic light, warts and all. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st offers you a fantastic chance to embark upon achieving a long-held ambition. You have the cosmic equivalent of a green light, so decide what you want and make an effort achieve it. The universe is on your side!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

You have a knack for delaying gratification. You have also been known to exhibit great impatience - particularly with yourself. The planetary energy ir encouraging you to focus on your strength, and to strive to create a world of balance around you. Commitment is the key to success and you must commit to a healthy physical life in order to have balance and harmony in the bigger picture. It\s not about denial - it\s about getting everything you want.


health leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Get in touch with your feelings today and communicate them to those you care about. Use the celestial energy to empower your own relationship with yourself as well. Like with any relationship, ask yourself what you really want from yourself: a healthier lifestyle? More friends? Less time at work? More fun on the weekends? This kind of honest chat with yourself will create changes more quickly than you may think. Start with now. What would make you smile?


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

You may be trying to get your food situation sorted out by cooking healthful meals for you and your family. This is certainly something to aim for. It\s worth any time spent in planning and preparation. Enlist the help of kids and partner to make the job easier. You\ll find that you feel better, have more energy, and enjoy the opportunity to connect with your family at mealtimes.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve stuck with certain health routines, it could be difficult to change. But this is the choice you may face, especially early in the month when the benefits of new health habits might appeal to you. It would be too much to expect you to alter your ways overnight, so consider lowering your expectations. Set small goals for yourself that you can accomplish and gradually increase over the weeks and months ahead. If you want to see a revolution in your health, it doesnt need to happen in a day. By far the best way is to pace yourself.


love leo daily

Star 7/10

How far are you prepared to go in declaring your feelings for another? The day\s planetary alignment means that you have every chance today to not only tell, but also show how much they mean to you. The setting may be on some perfect sun-kissed beach or at home in the kitchen, but the emotion will take you way out, and you may not want to come back!


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Although perhaps not the promise of paradise, today\s heavenly configuration brings you some interesting thoughts about your latest romantic conquest. This is a great day to get to know each other in a very tangible and down-to-earth way. No idle talk or showing off, just being present with each other. This will do more to cement your relationship at the moment.


love leo weekly

Star 10/10

You love getting to know new people in the beginning of the week, and whether or not they have dating potential is pretty far down on your list. Just make sure you dont give someone the wrong idea, because you can definitely be a flirt! Youre feeling shy over the weekend, which isnt at all like you but ends up being endearing. Sometimes you just cant lose!


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

A delightful Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 reminds you that love is grand. You dont have any complaints, and you enjoy every moment youre able to spend getting to know someone new. The spell is broken by the serious nature of the Mars-Saturn trine on August 22, but not in an entirely negative way. Just because its time to get down to business and focus on fixing a romance-related problem doesnt mean the mood has to be humorless or somber. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, so watch your filter. Saying everything that pops into your head to a date isnt conducive to a good time.


career leo daily

Star 9/10

You are on solid ground to feel free to take that next giant step up the mountain. Other people will be there to support you if you slip. Most likely, however, you will be able to handle everything just fine on your own - so don\t worry.


career leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Foreign ideas and concepts are suddenly much more appealing to you. If it has been your desire to work in a foreign country, now is your big chance to make a move toward that goal. The time is right for you to advance in a new location.


career leo weekly

Star 7/10

Powerful emotions are in play. If a boss is verbally abusive or makes you deeply angry, you may consider quitting or simply sulk in silence. Try a more direct approach. Have the courage to say, \"Please stop\" or \"Please explain how I can help you make this better.\" A calm mind is a real asset in stressful situations. If emotions are running high, then walk away and come back after the situation cools. Saturday supports better communication.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

A business obligation will be satisfied around August 7, allowing you to move on to bigger and better things. Use this achievement to attract the kinds of daring and enthusiastic clients you desire. Youll have a chance at the beginning of August to work with cultured and tasteful people who bring out the best in you. By the time August 21 arrives, you will have earned the fame and acclaim you deserve. If youve ever wanted to start your own business, go for it. Make sure to integrate your name in the title of the enterprise. People are eager to work with you.



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